Monday, December 13, 2010

Oh, What a Life

It's been a while since I have popped in to write.  Let's just keep it short and simple and say that the last month of my semester at school left no time to pursue personal interests of every kind.  How the heck did I get so busy?

Here's a recap of November, and why I hope December promises to be a little better:

November came and went with right along with the heating system in my car.  Unfortunately, getting my coolant system flushed barely helped, and if I must travel long distances I have to wear Hot Hands in my shoes while simultaneously pointing a heater right in my face.  Mind you that I always have to hold it in between my knees so that it is positioned just right.  Plus, it plugs into my cigarette lighter, so any and all other devices I want plugged in (i.e. a GPS, an iPod, or my cell) must wait their turn.

I also spent a great deal of time babysitting.  I even put in a few 9 hours days at a particular house.  Though some may say that babysitting is easy, I will reply to that with a "HA!"  While I adore watching and playing with the children in my family, other people's children are far less easier to deal with and forgive when they throw a tantrum or try to take advantage of the fact that I am not their mother.  Don't get me wrong - it's great to have a job that allows me to create my own schedule, but I really do need a break from kids sometimes.  Remember the compensation, Molly, remember the money!

However, December started out proving that I really am in it to win it.  I was awarded a scholarship from the PRSA Cleveland chapter and was recognized at its annual "Cleveland Rocks" award ceremony where the best in the PR business are awarded based on their communications efforts throughout the year.  Let's just say it didn't hurt to get recognized by some award winning PR agencies - both global and local.  At least my efforts as a student have paid off some how (pun totally intended).

December must be full of luck so far, as I was also voted in as VP of my school's chapter of the PRSSA.  Ah, I am really excited about this position.  Let's see what I can do with it.  That'll be the true test of my abilities as a leader.

Don't like my December successes?  Thought that I would only provide you with entertainment thanks to my clumsy nature and lack of common sense?  Well, too bad.  Because, once in a while, I get to feel good about myself. 

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