Sunday, October 24, 2010

That's Right Folks - I am a GEEK

I'm going to keep this simple.  Read on to discover many of the things that make me a geek.

1.  Today I could have chosen to do absolutely nothing but watch TV.  Instead, I chose to write a 7 page paper and submit it two full weeks in advance.

2.  I made myself a student business card.

3.  I will spend an hour at a time searching the webpages of my favorite beauty products just so that I can sign up for free samples.

4.  When a webpage asks me to take a survey once I am finished looking around, I will always say yes if I am not pressed for time.

5.  I save receipts so that I can go online and enter contests and promotional events in hopes of being the monthly winner of the $1,000 prize.  Hey - you gotta be in it to win it, right?

6.  My sister gave me a coupon sorter, and I rushed back to my place so that I could relocate my coupons into their correct folder within the sorter.

7.  I couldn't survive the weekends without ABC Family's movie marathons.  I especially love cartoon movie marathons.

8.  I'm not afraid to write to a company whose product was less then sub-par and let them know all about my disappointment.  Of course, I do love the coupons they send in repsonse which offer their products to me for free :)

9.  I must write down every last responsibility I have and every task I have to accomplish for each and every day.  If I don't, I will not function properly.  I will sleep with my planner next to me in bed so that if something pops into my mind, I can write it down without too much effort.

... On second thought, maybe I am not a geek.  Maybe I am just a college student trying to survive the daily struggles of getting homework done and not spending all of my hard-earned money carelessly without having panic attacks every other week. 

Either way, I feel like a dork when I am looking around for good deals.  Hey, I'm 20 - I should just sit back and enjoy life.  But, I honestly thrive on all of my "geeky" quirks.  I like 'em.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Walking Disaster - AKA: Follow Me Around and Laugh at the Unfortunate Events that Happen to Me on a Daily Basis

It's true.  I am a walking disaster.  Most days I am guaranteed to do each of the following at least once:
  • Spill one beverage or liquid
  • Trip over a small object or something non-existent
  • Hurt my body - usually by bumping into things
  • Drop something, such as a cell phone or my pen, etc.
  • Experience technical difficulties
To paint a picture for you all, I'll relay to you exactly how my day unfolded on Monday...

It just so happens that I had a rough night's sleep before I had to get awake on Monday morning.  Mind you, I also had to wake up to the real, annoying sound that comes from a legitimate alarm clock.  Yes, that is because my cell phone is currently out of commission and I could not listen to a more pleasant alarm sound.  Ugh.  (We can check off bullet number 5 from my list up there!)  Needless to say, the first few moments of my day were unbearable.

So, I moved on from my first waking moment and made it successfully through my first two classes.  Between my second class and my third class I chose to take a bathroom break.  While in my stall, I managed to hit my head on one of the contraptions in the stall (disgusting, I know) AND drop my chap stick from my pocket onto the floor.  That second part wouldn't be so bad aside from the fact that the cap to the chap stick popped off and bacteria surely made its way onto my lip balm from the dirty floor (even more disgusting, I know!).  So, obviously I had to throw it out.  At this point it was only ten in the morning, and I then had to face six more hours of classes before I could get home to my other sticks of lip balm.  Chapped lips are the worst.  (At this point, we can check off the third and forth bullets on my list up there.)

At ten am, I had successfully managed to get more than half-way through my disaster list for the day.  Sweet success!

As the rest of my day unfolded, I managed to drop a pen (into the purse of the girl sitting next to me, of course) and trip over an un-even stretch of bricks on campus.  (Again, bullet number four gets another check-mark, and we might as well check off bullet number two!)  And yes, I spilled something.  I spilled some of my contact solution as I tried to take my contacts out that night.  (Just in time - my final bullet can be checked off right before bed.) 

At this point, all I can do is embrace my clumsy character.  It’s inevitable that I am going to experience these mini-disasters each and every day, and it is in my best interest to expect and even welcome them (as if I had a choice).  Bring it on, world.  I am prepared to take on these trials and tribulations ANY day!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Most girls I know crave chocolate and sweets.  I've always been the exact opposite.  Bring on the salt.  I love chips and nachos and pizza and soy sauce and all the fun stuff that is full of sodium.  I'd rather get a bag of chips as an anniversary gift than a box of chocolates.

Today, I came across an article called "What Your Hunger is Telling You: The subtle messages behind your food cravings."  I clicked on it and this is what I found about salt-lovers:

You want salty popcorn, chips; you lick the rim of salt off your margarita glass rather than try to avoid it. A salt craving may mean you are not eating enough of it, or you are eating too much. “A small percentage of people, such as elite athletes, may crave salt because they aren’t getting enough of it in their diet,” Dulan says. “But most people who crave salt are eating too much of it, so their bodies get used to it and crave more.” Salt cravings are also linked to overstimulation of the adrenal glands, Loomis says. The adrenal glands release hormones in response to stress. “If your adrenal glands are overstimulated and you are in a state of adrenal fatigue, you tend to crave salty foods,” Loomis says. Salt cravings for people with adrenal fatigue are accompanied by overall weight gain and tie in with energy levels throughout the day.

Ah.  So my stress is effecting my eating habits.  I always thought I had that under control.  Either way, I am not worried about it.  It's just nice to have my question answered.  I'm off - time to grab a bag of Doritos ;)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day One - Will I Get the Hang of This?

My first blog post - not expecting to be nominated for a Pulitzer or anything.

It's almost as if I needed to start a blog.  As a public relations student, I need to start getting more familiar with social media.  More and more, social media is becoming an important tool in the communications field.  Because I am an overachiever, I think it is necessary that I become familiar with social media now so that by the time I am in the job market, I can call myself a social media expert, giving myself an advantage over my peers (I can only hope, right?).

But, honestly, what the heck am I even going to blog about?  I have a pretty mundane life.  However, on occassion, I experience situations that others may find humorous (I promise I will share them with you - hopefully giving myself eventual comic relief through words).  I'll probably discuss my school work, my experiences with my roommates, and minor frustrations of everyday life.  Thrilling, I know.

So here I am, putting myself out there in the pursuit of knowledge.  Whatever.  I'll figure things out around here and probably end up enjoying this online journal-ing.